Maintenance Downtime

Need to Eliminate Maintenance Downtime? Reduce Downtime with Data   Equipment reliability is the key to efficient production and profitability. Unplanned downtime due to equipment failure often results in a snowball effect of lost production and massive costs....

CMMS Dashboard

COGZ Launches New CMMS Dashboard CMMS Dashboard COGZ Systems proudly announces the release of our new state-of-the-art CMMS Dashboard. Easily see what areas of your maintenance operation need attention and which ones are already performing well. Visualize maintenance...

Maintenance Audits

Is Your Facility Audit Ready? How to Prepare for Audits?   Audits for regulatory and customer compliance are a frequent challenge in the workplace. COGZ CMMS will help you prepare your maintenance department for an audit. Be confident that you can pass with...

Improve Maintenance Communication

Get More Work Done by Improving Maintenance Team Communication Why Improve Communication? When your maintenance department has more work to do than hours in the day, the only way to get more done is to improve efficiency. Improving maintenance team communication is...

Maintenance Data

Embrace Data Driven Decision Making to Gain a Competitive Advantage Why Make Data Driven Decisions? In today’s competitive business landscape, businesses must embrace data-driven decision making to get ahead. COGZ CMMS collects data as you perform your maintenance...

Maintenance Staffing Levels

Drive Bottom Line Results with Optimal Maintenance Staffing Levels Why Optimize Maintenance Staffing Levels? In today’s results driven maintenance environments, maintaining optimal staffing levels is crucial for operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness....