Report Writer (Legacy) Module – Information and Uses*

*Please note: This module has been phased out and replaced by a new Report Writer.

COGZ Preventative Maintenance Software provides users with numerous reports for information on program data with various parameter settings and query options that can be used to create the optimum report.  If a specified report is not at hand, an optional Report Writer Module is available to add to your system. Implementing this module into your COGZ preventative maintenance software, you now have the ability to create custom reports not prepared in the COGZ EZ or COGZ systems or with any of the available optional modules that can be added on to your system.

In the COGZ or COGZ EZ Preventative Maintenance Software, there is a Report Writer Reports list located in the Report menu.

These are additional reports that can be used. If the Report Writer Module is added, these reports can be edited with the optional module.  These reports are contained in the COGZ report library (COGZW.TXR). If any changes are made to these reports, they will need to be saved to a separate library so any changes are retained with program updates.

With the Report Writer, you need to make sure that you setup a separate report library file when creating your own reports as well. You just need to name the new library something that is not COGZW, but with the .TXR file extension.  This can be done directly from the Report Writer application.  You can setup a report library called MYREPORTS.TXR for example, just something different from the existing library where you can save your created reports.

Missing Custom Created Reports After COGZ Software Update

If you have saved your created reports in the COGZW.TXR library instead of setting up your own library, you will lose any created reports when you update your program.  You need to save your reports in a different .TXR file to keep them when you update your program.

To get your reports back, simply open your COGZ application folder that is installed on your server or stand-alone PC.  Once in this folder, open the Backup folder.  Look for the COGZW.TXR file.  Copy this file and paste it into your main COGZ folder replacing the file already there. Once you have done this, make a copy of the COGZW.TXR file and rename the copy something like MYREPORTS.TXR or whatever would work for you.  This is where you will save your custom reports so they will not be deleted with program updates.  Once you have this file, open up the COGZ program and your report writer reports should be in your Report Writer Reports List.  You need to select your created custom reports individually and edit them to change the Report Library path to the file you have created in your COGZ folder by using the browse button to the right of the Report Library field in the report screen as shown below.

Use the Choose a File selection screen to select your report library (not the default COGZW.TXR library) where your report needs to be saved.  With your reports in their own library, any updates will not affect your created reports.  Make sure every time you create a new report that it is saved to your own report library.

Problem Accessing Report Writer Module

Problems: When attempting to open the Report Writer Module from the report menu in COGZ, but nothing happens and there are no error messages.  You can access all of your reports when you open the report writer manually from your COGZ program directory, but trying to open them or attempting to print brings up an error 47 message.  Also, opening the report writer from the report menu and attempting to print also gives you an error 47 message.

Solution: These three problems all have the same solution, your report writer dictionary settings have not been imported. Use the following information to import your dictionary settings. You will need to open the report writer and then open your report file (not the COGZ [COGZW.TXR] report file). You will need to import the dictionary file that will show up when you select to import the dictionary file. It should be the COGZW.TXD file. See the screens below for reference:

By pressing OK your dictionary settings will be imported into your report library.  Make sure you save the changes to your library when closing out of the report writer and you should be all set when you access the report writer again.

Additional information on COGZ Report Writer can be found in the COGZ Manual under Report Writer Module in the Report Writer Reports section.