COGZ EZ Equipment Enhancement Module




Does your labor force match your workload?  Does it take you too long to manage your Preventive Maintenance system?  With the COGZ EZ Equipment Enhancement Module* you can now fine tune your system for efficient and detailed equipment management; you have the tools to easily change preventive maintenance tasks, keep track of preventive maintenance repeats, as well as project time required for planned maintenance.

The COGZ EZ CMMS Software Equipment Enhancement Module includes the following features:

  • Preventive Maintenance Repeats Report
  • Preventive Maintenance Estimated Hours Report
  • Preventive Maintenance Downtime Estimated Hours Report
  • Preventive Maintenance Estimated Hours by Assigned To Report
  • Global search and replace of Equipment Preventive Maintenance assignments
  • Import meter readings into COGZ from any comma delimited text file
  • PM Standard Task Library changes optionally cascade to existing equipment PM tasks
  • Preventive Maintenance Forecast Report
  • Equipment PM Labels
  • Access to Equipment Report Wizard
  • Preventive Maintenance Task Export

*COGZ CMMS Software Bundle comes complete with the Equipment Enhancement Module.

Click Here For Equipment Enhancement Module Feature Details