COGZ CMMS Software Work Order Auto Generate Setup

The Auto Generate feature requires the optional Work Order Enhancement Module.  The Auto Generate feature can be setup in the System Defaults Form.

The setup is done on the PM Generation Tab of the System Defaults Form (Setup-System Defaults).  Please note, if you have multiple properties, this must be set up for each property.

PM Generation Tab

cmms auto generate preventive maintenance tasks

  • Auto PM Generation Section:  This will allow you to make entries for Generation Due Date and Generation Time while disabling Recreate Open PM Work Orders and the PM Generation Advanced tab. Note that uncompleted Open Preventive Maintenance Work Orders will NOT be deleted during the Auto Generation process.
  • Auto Generate PMs:  Check to turn on Auto PM Generation. The remaining fields in tab will become available for edit as shown above.
  • Create Schedule Ahead PM Duplicates Checkbox: Check if you want to automatically generate Duplicate Preventive Maintenance work orders when required by the PM Task Frequency.
  • Generation Due Date: The date the next PM generation is Due base on the Last Generation Date and PM Cycle days (unless changed by the user). User Modified date Must Be greater than or equal to Today’s date.
  • Generation Time: Enter the time you wish the Auto Generation Process to begin.
  • Last Generation Date: This field shows the last time PM Work Orders were Auto Generated.
  • Security:
    • Security is on. No user with Work Orders Auto Generation rights found!: This warning is displayed to advise auto generation cannot take place as there are no users with Work Order Auto Generation permission.
    •  Security is on. User with work order generation rights is logged on. This message indicates that auto generation is set up and an authorized user is logged on.
    • Security is off. Any machine can Auto Generate PM Work Orders. 

cmms setup auto generate preventive maintenance work orders

PM Auto Generation will be processed from only one machine on a network at a given time. The chosen machine functions as the auto generation processor for COGZ (for the property in use, if the optional Properties/Multiple Database Module is installed).  The machine generating Preventive Maintenance Tasks will be displayed on the network user list with a check box checked under the Auto Gen column.

Useful General Information

If Security is enabled, the machine’s user must have the Work Orders Auto Generation and PM Work Order Generation Doors checked (File-System Security-Edit).  Preventive Maintenance Work Orders are Auto Generated on or after the Next Auto Generation date and time shown at the bottom of the Auto PM Generation section of the PM Generation system defaults form if a qualified machine/user is running COGZ. If no qualified machine is running COGZ, Preventive Maintenance work orders will auto generate the next time a qualified machine runs COGZ.

In order to keep the process as simple as possible, it is recommended that the COGZ administrator’s workstation, with proper COGZ permissions, remain on at all times to assure the auto generation process will not be interrupted.