Update Troubleshooting

Problem: User gets message that COGZ CMMS Software needs to be reloaded/reinstalled after installing 4.50 update. Reinstalling the update does not resolve the problem. Also, there were no problems with running the program on the previous version, 4.40. Another message received when opening the program: Location of program\cogzw.exe: The parameter is incorrect.

Resolution: If user is running Windows XP on the client machines and Windows 98 or Windows NT (with the incorrect parameter message) on the server computer, this message will appear to reinstall the program. They need to delete the manifest files from the COGZ CMMS Software directory to resolve the issue. This will also need to done every time an update is run because these files will be installed with an update unless the server operating system has been updated. The files to delete are highlighted below:

CMMS Software Troubleshooting Manifest Files

If your problem is not discussed above, then follow the problem reporting information here.