Data Not Printing

Problem: Work order information does not display in the print preview or printout of work orders, but does display in COGZ Maintenance Software work order list.  This issue could also show up on purchase orders and other printouts.  Additional printing issue would be if some data displays in the print preview or printout of work orders and purchase orders.  Sample missing work order data are part numbers, descriptions, stock locations, and quantities.  Sample missing purchase order data are memo text, part numbers, and descriptions.

Resolution: There is a problem with the printer driver. The printer driver affects both the print and the preview. Printer could be old/outdated, etc.  Another possible cause of the problem is that an alternate report font has been selected for printing in the program from the System Defaults Form/Advanced tab, which could result in the printer driver not being compatible with the font. Restoring the font to it’s default setting of Arial would resolve this issue.

If your problem is not discussed above, then follow the problem reporting information here.