Work Order Numbering

COGZ Work Order Software ensures that work orders numbers are generated automatically. Each time you generate or add a new work order to the Work Order List, the next work order number will be used and then update as the last number used in the System Defaults Form for your reference.

If you wish to use alter your work order number sequence, we do not recommend turning your work order numbers back to zero as you would end up with duplicate records in your work order history.  Instead we recommend increasing your work order numbers to the next hundred or thousand. For example, if you are currently on work order number 7248, you can increase your number to 7300 or 8300 depending on your preference. Increase to the next whole number for ease of incrementing your numbering system.

Adjust your work order numbering in the System Defaults Form, PM Generation Tab.  Subtract one from the number you would like to start with and enter that in the Last WO Number field. For example, to start your work order at 7300, enter 7299.

When a new work order is created in the Work Order List the number is now 7300 as shown above.  As these new work orders are setup the last work order number field updates with the last number

Possible reasons to adjust your work order numbering:

  • New Year
  • New Fiscal Year
  • New Period

Additional information on COGZ Work Order Numbering can be found in the COGZ Manual under Work Order Tab in the System Defaults section.